What You Need to Know About Winter Landscaping Maintenance

Often, people start to plan their spring gardening in the winter. This gives you plenty of time to consider the types of plants that you’ll want to order when the sun is out and the weather is prime for growing. Before you start to order your plants and plan your projects, consider the type of plants you can use at different times of the year. With help from a landscape contractor you can start your summer gardening with winter landscaping maintenance.
When to Start Landscaping
Late winter and early spring are the best time of year to start landscaping if you want your plants to be in full bloom in late summer or fall. Some plants will not show up until August or September if you plant them in the winter. This is why many gardeners choose to start their landscaping in March. With a landscaping company, you can plan out your next garden and time it right.
All About Cacti and Succulents
If you want cacti or succulents to grow in your garden through the summer, you don’t want to start them outside. Bring them inside and put them back out when the weather warms. These are great additions to any landscape because they tend to thrive in higher temperatures and use less water.
What Shines in Winter
While most of your late winter landscaping will focus on the summer blooming season, there are winter plants. Trees and shrubs with berries tend to thrive in the colder temperatures. Likewise, if you want to get involved in landscaping, focus on plants with bark that stand out. Talk to a landscape contractor about the best types of plants to thrive in winter.
Many people want to see their gardens in full bloom in time for summer and fall. In order to have your flowers and plants blooming later in the year, you have to start early. As soon as the weather begins to warm, you can start preparing your winter landscape.